2nd Basic Robotics Training for Thai teachers, university students and lecturers at the University of Chiang Mai (2019)

The Bloooming Juniper Foundation donated 315 Lego Mindstorms Education EV3 core sets to thirty schools and three universities from all over Thailand. Moreover, it organised two robotics trainings for these schools and universities together with the Department of Computer Science of the Chiang Mai University.

Diagram 1: Location of participating schools 2019 (Attribution: Map data ©2019 Google)

In a first three-day training, held from 24th-26th June 2019, students and professors of the Department of Computer Science of the Chiang Mai University learned how to use Lego Mindstorms robots.

In a second four-day training, held from 2nd -5th July 2019, more than sixty teachers from thirty schools and two universities learned how to use Lego Mindstorms robots in their classroom. Instructors from the Department of Computer Science of the Chiang Mai University and five experienced teachers taught their colleagues how to assemble different robots, how to use the available sensors and motors, and how to program these robots.